Top 3 Tips For The Brides-To-Be

Top 3 Tips For The Brides-To-Be

It’s that time of year, flowers are springing up and questions are popping left and right. Since getting engaged this past year, I’ve learned that when it comes to your wedding there are important aspects to remember when planning your wedding and to not losing your sanity.

These are my top 3 tips for the newly Brides-To-Be:

1. Establish your expectations: After you’ve assembled your team you need to secure your expectations with them. From my experience, after you’ve announced your BIG news you will get an influx of wanted and unwanted advice for the wedding. It’s pertinent to clearly state your expectations for everyone involved in the wedding, and those who wished they were. It’s tricky at first because you want to be polite and take into account everyone’s advice and opinion, but remember you have a team that is there for you.

Bridal Team

2. Establish your team: Once you get past the wedding announcement and the high of being newly-engaged I recommend establishing your strong bridal team. This would include your fiance because you must remember that this entire party and event should surround and please only two people, as well as your bridal team and possibly even your mother. After you’ve established your team next just have fun.

  I Do Bridal

3. Have fun: As soon as you get engaged and past that honeymoon phase of announcements and Facebook status changes next comes the laundry list of things to do for the wedding and having fun can become secondary. Just remember to stick to your wedding vision. After all, this is a celebration of two people coming together. To keep things light, I like to psych out the bridesmaids with the “potential” dresses they may be wearing for the ceremony.
